Continuous Reflection

"If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries." - Carl Friedrich Gauss

Births and Deaths in Canada

The data for this graph comes from Table 053-0001 at Statistics Canada. The graph was produced with GeoGebra.

Gazelle and Lion Velocities

This graph is from in a Scientific American article, which says “The graph is courtesy of J.A. Bolker and D.C. Meredith, University of New Hampshire, and is based on data from Elliott, P.; Cowan, I. M.; and Holling, C. S., 1977. Prey capture by the Read more…

Temperature vs. Depth in Lake Superior

The data for this graph comes from Lake Superior Meteorological Buoy at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. The data was gathered at 5:00 AM on July 28, 2011. Similar data, along with an interactive graphing view, are available for many other dates back to 2008. The Read more…

Practice finding the equation of a line

In order to begin learning to use JSXGraph (which also requires that I learn javascript) I created an application in which a line is randomly generated and the user enters what she thinks the equation is. Her equation is then graphed for comparison with the Read more…