Continuous Reflection

"If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries." - Carl Friedrich Gauss

Hooray! I can embed a GeoGebra applet!

Starting with a tweet yesterday from John Golden (@mathhombre) How to Insert an iFrame into a WordPress Post for @geogebra, ggl docs, etc. #edtech HT @mike_geogebra — John Golden (@mathhombre) August 13, 2012 I followed a trail which (thanks to a comment from Pete Read more…

A Modern Log Table

After re-reading the first chapter of Eli Maor’s e: The Story of a Number, I ended up spending a couple of days creating a GeoGebra applet which I’ve called Napier’s Gift. Given that it’s July, I didn’t have a class to try it out on, Read more…

Advice to a New Teacher

This is a response to Bowman Dixon’s Call for Advice for New Teachers. All responses are collected at Drawing on Math. I’ve been teaching high school math for almost 25 years now and I’m still learning how to do it well. I love it partly Read more…

Oliver Byrne’s Euclid

I first encountered Oliver Byrne’s 1847 edition of Euclid’s Elements in Edward Tufte’s Envisioning Information. Byrne’s was an innovative and captivating approach to the classic work, using colored diagrams rather than the traditional letters to identify the various geometric objects involved in the proofs. On Read more…

Radian Resources

On her blog, My Web 2.0 Journey, Kristen Fouss links to a collection of documents that can be used in a class studying trigonometric functions. I’m interested in trying the radian cut-ups and Marsha Hurwitz’s sine cosine game (which in it’s current form needs degree Read more…

Radian cut-ups

Integrating \(f(x)=x^n\)

My first experiment with the Wolfram CDF Plugin for WordPress: \(f(x)=x^n\) [WolframCDF source=”” CDFwidth=”350″ CDFheight=”200″ altimage=”file”] . . . and some good help for to get started with Mathematica: First 10 minutes with Mathematica Hands-on Start to Mathematica