Continuous Reflection

"If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries." - Carl Friedrich Gauss

Continuous Reflection

Tag: asymptotes

Intercepts and Asymptotes and Holes, Oh My!

I’ve been teaching for 27 years. This morning during a discussion of rational functions in a precalculus class, I had one of those why-didn’t-I-think-of this-years-ago moments, when I found myself drawing a Venn diagram on the board in response to massive confusion about holes. My hypothesis about Read more…

Fresh eyes on end behavior of rational functions

Over the past few years of teaching precalculus regularly, I’ve experimented with a variety of approaches to rational functions in an attempt to find one that will result in students discovering and eventually truly understanding how the equation of a rational function determines its graph. I have never felt very Read more…