Continuous Reflection

"If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries." - Carl Friedrich Gauss

Continuous Reflection

Category: Lesson Ideas & Resources

Determining limits from a graph

Knowing a Function

Blank grids, etc.

Inverse Functions à la Emily Alman

In her blog post, My Backwards Approach to Inverse Functions, Emily Alman makes an observation that is, I think, vitally important for math teachers to understand: “One problem with algebra is that there is often a disconnect between the meaning/understanding and the computations/doing. We try our darndest to Read more…

Trigonometric storytelling, Part 1

We’ve just had a good week-plus of precalculus lessons built around a story, inspired by Daniel Willingham’s tweet and the article by Julie DeNeen about which he tweeted. [embedit snippet=”willingham-tweet”] The tweet came at an opportune time. It was Thanksgiving break, I was away from Read more…

A Modern Log Table

After re-reading the first chapter of Eli Maor’s e: The Story of a Number, I ended up spending a couple of days creating a GeoGebra applet which I’ve called Napier’s Gift. Given that it’s July, I didn’t have a class to try it out on, Read more…

Radian Resources

On her blog, My Web 2.0 Journey, Kristen Fouss links to a collection of documents that can be used in a class studying trigonometric functions. I’m interested in trying the radian cut-ups and Marsha Hurwitz’s sine cosine game (which in it’s current form needs degree Read more…

Radian cut-ups

Practice finding the equation of a line

In order to begin learning to use JSXGraph (which also requires that I learn javascript) I created an application in which a line is randomly generated and the user enters what she thinks the equation is. Her equation is then graphed for comparison with the Read more…